Thursday, April 28, 2011

"You can't save me, you can't change me. Well I'm waiting for my wake up call, and everything, everything's my fault."

At the moment I'm listening to "Save me - Unwritten Law".

Last night my boyfriend broke up with me.

He sees our relationship as "just friends" and wants to keep it that way. I suggested we should work towards fixing it, but he doesn't want to do that. He doesn't love me anymore... And also believes that he only said yes to being my boyfriend because he thought he wouldn't find anyone else.

I'm hurt.

And even though he won't admit it, it was my weight that disgusted him. He made me promise him that I would get a job and in the future fix my "problem" to make myself happier. By "problem" I can only assume he means weight.

See, from an outsiders perspective, this would sound really mean and that I don't deserve a person like him... But because I'm still so in love with him, I just don't see it yet.

I'm distraught. A fucking basket case.

It's a fucking horrible feeling to know that the person you love, doesn't love you back, even if they say they did.


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