At the moment I'm listening to "Knew it all along - Midtown".
Today's day did not consist of much at all. I did eat a whole meal though... and sadly I didn't throw it back up. I think mum's getting suspicious as to why I have very loud music playing in the bathroom when I shower.
I also looked into downloading this iPhone app called "Myfitnesspal" and it's been kinda useful! It's like a diet diary type thing and also tells you the calories of EVERYTHING! It tells me I am meant to have around 2020 calories a day, and today I had approximately 1073 calories. Vomitting or starving myself would have been easier and more effective though. Friday after seeing my 'ever-so-thin' ex boyfriend I weighed myself, and I weighed myself again today.
Friday is when I started starving myself and vomitting.... the results are definatelly showing!!
Fridays weight: 97.5kgs
Mondays (Todays) Weight: 95.1kgs
Losing 2.4kgs in only 2 days is amazing!! (: I've also decided that every second day is my 'Don'tYouDareFuckingEat' day. (: So, that means no eating tomorrow :)
Hope you're well!
Hahaha, my Mum uses MyFitnessPal!