Sunday, May 1, 2011

"And when i close my eyes tonight, to symphonies of blinding light. Like memories in cold decay, transmissions echoing away. Far from the world of you and I, where oceans bleed into the sky."

At the moment i'm listening to "The Catalyst - Linkin Park".
I got rid of all my memories today. Threw out all the photos, all the things that were significant to me and him. No more.

Looking forward to tonight. Rave Party!!! Weowwww! Gonna have a few (or possibly more than a few) drinks with mates tonight. Hopefully get rid of a few more memories or tonight... ;) If you get me. ;)

I'm a little bit worried though, if i do drink a lot, i might get very sick. I haven't eaten in about 3 days... :/

Just not feeling hungry.

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