Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Your voice is like the sound of sirens to a house on fire, saving me."

At the moment I'm listening to "Nose over tail - Alkaline Trio."
If only I knew what the fuck is wrong with me. Doctors call it depression. But is it normal to only get extremely unstable within a matter of minutes, rarely and without any trigger?

And also, to think that the one person who broke my heart, and me getting over him In a matter of months, still manages to upset me. Especially since I've got so much else to be upset and angry about.

We had a guest speaker at school today. He said something that I completely agree with. He said:
"The saying 'Time heals everything' is not true. Time just makes things worse".

I believe him. And now I'm thinking, "fuck, I don't stand a fucking chance".

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