Saturday, July 14, 2012

"Live and let live. You'll be the show girl of the home team, I'll be the narrator telling another tale of the American dream. I see your name in lights, we can make you a star. Girl, we'll take the world by storm, It isn't that hard..."

At the moment I'm listening to "Dear Maria, Count me in - All Time Low".
Feeling pretty great at the moment. However, a little disappointed in myself over my midnight binge of like a kilo of potato gems...

Apart from that, I've been trying to get fit and healthy! So far I've been on two runs with this new running app I have. It works really well and is really motivational and inspiring! I've actually been enjoying it. My next run is tomorrow. My eating habits really need to improve, and fast, if I want this to work. I'm working on it, and it's definitely not getting me down. I'm feeling pretty happy and up-beat!
My tattoo is coming out pretty nicely. It's been over a week since I got it done and the scabbing is mostly gone. It's just a little itchy sometimes.... which is normal, but it looks good and is still a reminder that things have a way of working out.

Mum's still in Paris, but she comes back in 3 days. Really looking forward to see her! She was a little sad today when I spoke to her because it turns out that we won't be getting this house that she had hoped for. She was very disappointed, but she has to stop getting her hopes up so quickly, I guess. I'm not really fussed where we live, or this whole situation involving my mum and dad getting back together.... I like to look at it as "I'm moving out soon anyways." I guess if it makes my family happy, then I should be happy as well.

Two nights ago I decided to branch out my learning and I enrolled into a short Sign Language course. I'm quite excited in starting that because it has always been something that I was interested in doing.... and now, I guess I am. :) It's a 6 week course with one class a week for 2 hours. And it should even getting my confidence up in driving to and from the venue, which is about 30 minutes from my house. Hopefully once completing this course, even though it's at a beginners level, I can broaden my search for a future or present job. If I require more learning or skills I would be more than happy to go on and do the next 2 levels of the course. :P

My Birthday is also in a few days. I'm looking forward to catching up with my mates.... but most importantly, I'm looking forward to gaining my Green P Plates!!! FINALLY!! Drive-Ins here I come! :)

So overall, feeling pretty happy and I finally feel like my life is sorting itself into some sort of order. Hope you're well :D

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