Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Now, the pain keeps digging in, reminder of mistakes, I never wish I made! I don't wanna run away, I don't wanna be the one who falls. I wanna stay but you won't change at all!"

At the moment I'm listening to "Run Away - Ben Moody".
I was actually having a relatively good couple of days! I figured out that since I hit rock bottom, there was only one way to go from there; up! I went to uni today, didn't eat a thing during the day and went to gym after uni!

I then went out for a buffet dinner to celebrate my grandmas birthday. Even though I didn't eat a lot of food at this buffet, I somehow managed to get food poisoning! -.-

I just finished throwing up!! I've been throwing up for the last 2 hours on and off! Vomiting always feels worse when my fingers aren't down my throat! It's much more satisfying making myself vomit! NOT vomiting due to sickness!

So, as a result of this sickness I now have a splitting headache, saw throat and feeling flu-like and nauseous!!

Don't think I'll be able to make it to uni tomorrow, unfortunately! I LOVE Wednesdays at uni!

AND, to just top off my day, I was looking at my friends Facebook when I found posts from "my somewhat-crush-not-really-a-crush-anymore-awkward-friendship-type-thing" boasting about how he is going out with this guy and it's really great and how "Jordan will die alone, from obesity and will never find love and will always be lonely, ugly and fat and completely misunderstood and other negative things about myself".

...okay, I made that last bit up. But sometimes, this is how I see things.

Fuck you, and goodnight.

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