Friday, December 9, 2011

"I'll be there when the world stops turning. I'll be there when the storm is through. In the end I wanna be standing at the beginning with you."

At the moment I'm listening to "At the Beginning - Richard Marx and Donna Lewis".
I'm feeling SOOOO fat recently! It's making me really sad! Sadder than I have been in a couple of months! :( I just am lacking so much motivation to go, even though I just changed gyms to go to a 24/7 gym! I must start going otherwise I'm going to feel so terrible about my body! :(

In other news: Today I almost died!! I was sitting in traffic with a car behind me in a 40km/h zone and out of nowhere this car ramed the car behind me. He looked like he was trying to slow down and swerved at the last minute to try and miss the car but he still managed to hit it. It was scary even for me who was just one car in front! I need to become a sagfer driver! :(

I really do have a lot of goals I need to fulfil, SO:

New years Resolution:
  • Lose as much weight as possible.
  • Become a better and safer driver.
  • Eat less.
  • Smile more.
  • Save money.
  • Cut down smoking.
Let's see if I can last..... I really hope so! :)

Anyways, here is some short poetry I found just before. I wrote it quite some years ago and managed to find it in a box in my room about an hour ago! haha, enjoy!

These thoughts will kill you - Jordan Hinton

It is the thoughts that fuel your nightmares,
For that time to say goodbye.
But once you stop and realise,
You'll find that you can fly.

It doesn't just take hope,
To make your dreams come true.
But if you add a little patience,
Your dreams will come to you.

If you fell down,
And can't rise high,
Bring the world to you,
And you'll live, not die.

If these thoughts come again,
And you have no where to hide.
You will live forever,
And their access will be denied!

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