Friday, December 14, 2012

"Lost in the prescription, she's got something else in mind. Check into the Hotel Bella Muerte. It gives the weak flight. It gives the blind sight. Until the cops come. Or by the last light. And for the last night I lie, could I lie next to you?"

At the moment I'm listening to "The Jestset Life is Gonna Kill You - My Chemical Romance".
Feeling fairly average today. My boyfriend and I had another fight a couple of days ago, he said some pretty hurtful things to me which made me very upset. He accused me of smothering him, and he feels like I would be pissed off at him if he wanted to spend time with his mates without me... Even though I know he's going through a terrible time with his grandparents at the moment and obviously under a shitload of stress, there is really no excuse to me so hurtful. The fight's over now though, and he apologised for being so hurtful and said that he didn't mean any of it. But still, you don't say things like that our of nowhere, so there has to have been some sort of reason behind saying it in the first place. I know he was just venting out his anger towards his grandparents on me, but there still has to be some sort of reason as to why he said what he did. I'm glad the fight's over now, though I have been recently trying not to text or call him as much as I usually would in fear of coming off as "smothering him". I'm keeping sentences to a minimum and trying to be distant, even though it's killing me inside. But sometimes there is sacrifices in relationships that each person has to make to make the other one happy. (:

In other news, I have been on these "Fat magnet" pills and "Fat Blaster" chocolate shakes for almost a week now and I'm slowly losing the weight, and definitely not feeling as hungry as I normally would. I've cut down my portion sizes dramatically and only have a shake for dinner. I now currently weigh 99.2kgs and have also lost 1cm across my chest! Feeling very happy with my process so far! Hopefully I can keep up the good work, and definitely try not go over-indulge myself around Christmas time coming up in a few weeks!

I also got my uni results yesterday, and am so happy that I passed all my units for semester 2! This means that I have successfully done well with my first ever year of university! Woo!!

Really looking forward to the party I have on tonight as well! It's going to be a great night of fun, laughter, drinks, campfires, swimming in the dam, and great memories. I really cherish these parties as of recently, because I know they won't last forever. Shame my boyfriend can't come, I know he's sick, but I just wish he could be there tonight to keep in touch with my mates as I have done with him! Hopefully next time (:

Hope you're all well, keep up the smiles (:

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