Friday, November 30, 2012

"Tom and Gracie on a plane, they were just 23, they talked about their family trees. Coincidental seating plan, she had the aisle seat, he moved away from his friend Pete. 7 drinks and package cheese, he swore Marry Me, twenty thousand above the sea. And we both knew that we had found the perfect company. The perfect company."

At the moment I'm listening to "Tom and Gracie - Darren Gibson".
It has been a very fun week, with a not so fun ending!
I have seen my boyfriend pretty much every day for the past week, just hanging out and having shit-loads of fun! Even though in my last post I was having a terrible time out clubbing, the rest of the week was great (and we sorted through our issues about what happened that night, everything is fine) (:

So, the week was great. I feel like I've connected a little bit more emotionally with my boyfriend now that I've spend a long period of the week with him. Which is great news!!

Now for some bad news. Firstly, my boyfriend told his grandparents about his sexuality... It went well at first, but then not-so-well a few hours later. They believe their lives are over, they are devastated, and that their future dreams for him are now destroyed.... All because he is gay. I'm very proud of him though for handling it how he did.

Secondly, I found out today that my dad got fired from his job that he has had for about 10 years. He had to leave immediately, and give away his car, his phone, and his computer (which all belonged to the company). So he is without a phone, a computer, and a car...

So, now both of my parents are currently unemployed, and we are already struggling to keep a roof over our heads.

It's getting to that point where it's ridiculously hilarious as to how I should deal with this news... So I'm just constantly laughing... And so is mum... I guess it's an odd way of coping with things.

Above all of this, I haven't lost ANY weight at all. I'm honestly so confused, because I've been trying really hard to lose weight,...I just don't understand it. But I'm still laughing, I guess.

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