Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"And if you say this life ain't good enough I would give my world to lift you up. I could change my life to better suit your mood, cause you're so smooth."

At the moment I'm listening to "Smooth - Santana (ft. Rob Thomas)"
Today is my last day of many things. Some of these things I'm going to miss, others I won't miss at all, but most of them will benefit me in the long-term, so I'm pretty excited to lose them :)

1) Last exam of my first year of Uni.
After today, I have officially completed my first ever year of uni! That is seriously exciting news, I honestly never thought I'd finish year 12 let alone get this far in my studies! Bring on next years subjects!

2) Today is the last day of negative stress.
Starting from tomorrow I will desolately be trying to be more positive in everything I do! I don't want to be stressed or negative anymore unless I have a very VERY good reason to be so. (:

3) Today is the last day of unhealthy eating.
I'm sick of looking in the mirror and seeing something I have shaped to hate. So as of tomorrow, I will be very conscious and careful of what I consume, limiting junk and fried food to a bare minimum.

4) Last day of lack of exercise.
As of tomorrow, I am determined to lose weight! This includes regular exercise and not giving up! I need to keep motivated and keep going! I want to push my limits and in turn come out with a great result!

5) Last day of wasting money.
As of tomorrow, I am going to be VERY conscious and aware of how much money I spend each week, and how much is NECESSARY!

6) Last day of smoking TOO much!
I would like number 6 to be "Last day of smoking", however, I would like to start cutting down dramatically instead of just quitting at the moment. I am aiming to quit smoking as a New Years resolution!

To all my mates who read this, bare with me! I will need your support (especially to lose weight and exercise). But thank you everyone who had been there to support me this far! :)

Hope you're all well, and happy! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey face face! I got your message and I'll be free Friday, I miss you super bad. I'll happily bare with you if you do me, I'm 6 days into a juice fast so I might be a little cranky sometimes =[ I'm down 6 kilos though =] anywhoooo yay for end of uni, we can hang out again =D
