Thursday, August 16, 2012

"No escaping when I start, once I'm in I own your heart. There's no way you'll ring the alarm, so, hold on until it's over. Oh, do you know what you got into? Can you handle what I'm 'bout to do? 'Cause it's about to get rough for you. I'm here for your entertainment."

At the moment I'm listening to "For your Entertainment - Adam Lambert".

This following post comes with a severe warning. You may possibly see (or read) a side of me you have never seen (or read) before.

I am ABSOLUTELY shocked and appalled...

Last night I went out for a lovely dinner with the guy I'm dating and he chose this certain restaurant for us to go to called Max Bar in the city. First of all the food we had was absolutely delicious, so I have no complaint about that. However, the story goes like this:
It was a lovely night, and a lovely restaurant, illuminated by candle light. It was like something you see in a romantic movie. So, we walk in and are seated at our table for two, we ordered our meals and drinks and then started to talk. Our drinks arrived and since we were talking quite romantically to each other, our words resolved in a lovely kiss over the table which lasted no more than 5 seconds. It was a beautiful moment, but was shortly ruined. After our delicious entree was finished, the waiter came over to clear out plates. As he was doing this he also informed us of some comments made by other patrons regarding our "behaviour".

"I'm really sorry gentlemen, but there has been a complaint from that table over there (the waiter then points to the table) with the family and children and they have told me that they did not want to expose their children to your kissing" the waiter explains to us. After looking around in the direction that the waiter pointed in, all we saw was one man sitting by himself, staring at my date and I as if he was threatening us. It was clear that it was indeed this man that had the problem, and not this "family" the waiter was speaking of.

The waiter then tells us "I'm really sorry guys, but you have two choices. One is to tone it down completely, or to sit outside where I can get you a very nice table under a heater." As we were pretty shocked and appalled, we chose the easier option in just sitting outside instead of making a big deal out of things. We get outside and the waiter pulls a table out from storage and takes us around the side of the restaurant (away from literally everyone and everything), pulls up two plastic chairs and that's all. No heater, no atmosphere, nothing. The only thing we were close to was the side of the restaurant were the chefs came out of to sit of their crates and smoke. This was metres away from our table and really removed the romantic atmosphere with the loud talking and smell of smoke being in our presence. (And yes, I do smoke, but I don't really like it being practically on my plate when I'm eating). After our meals, I went inside the restaurant to go to the toilet and on my way I was, once again, stared down by this guy and his friends (who were now sitting with him). So, just to be the smart ass that I am, I blew him a kiss as I walked pass. His reaction was quite hilarious! Haha

So, that's my story. It really disgusts me to know that I live in a world that is so discriminatory and ignorant. I'm not even going to get started in expressing my anger in this situation because it seriously isn't worth it. I've been venting about it ALL day and I think I will actually make myself sick if I start getting into it again. Fucking furious!

It's actually pretty funny how my mum reacted though. I told her last night and she was more furious than I was. So much so that rang the restaurant up this morning and complained herself. But more importantly she posted (and so did my sister) a very nasty review on a well reliable web source. I will link you to it at the end of this post. And even though they did make a very nasty review, someone else claiming to be the "family" that made the complaint, also posted a review sharing his view of the story. He claimed that we "had our tongues down each others throats" and behaving such actions that should be left "behind closed doors". This is absolutely not true! Just because we had a romantic and quick peck on the lips, doesn't mean we were "down each others throats". No one, gay or straight, would make out like that in a restaurant. No one. So his review of the story is a complete and utter lie. Some people can just get fucked. :)

Apart from that, though, I had a really amazing date, and things with this guy seem to be going SO well!! I'm really super happy with life at the moment and wouldn't have it any other way in the world. (: My date said something to me in the car as we reached my house that really make my heart skipping beats. "I think I'm falling in love with you, Jordan." he softly told me as he looked deep into my eyes.

I melted, and replied with the words "I think I am falling in love with you also, Sebastian."

Okay, I'll link you to something you HAVE to read! Enjoy!

Look under "Diner Reviews"
Mums post was titled "TOTALLY DISGUSTED!"
My sisters post was titled "Appalled"
And the fuck wit who claimed to be part of the "family" who complained made a post titled "GREAT PLACE!!"

Hope you're well!

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