Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Next is a trip to the, the ladies room in vain, and I bet you just can't keep up with, with these fashionistas, and tonight, tonight, you are, you are a whispering campaign. I bet to them your name is "Cheap", I bet to them you look like shh...Talk to the mirror, oh, choke back tears, and keep telling yourself that "I'm a diva!"

At the moment I'm listening to "There's a good reason these tables are numbered, honey. You just haven't thought of it yet - Panic! At the Disco".

I forgot how much I love this song! It's pretty much been on repeat for the past week!

So, to catch you up on my life adventures, if you're interested:
I had my first shift of my new job last Saturday night! It was incredible, non-stop, flat out work, 6 hours solid! But it was seriously so much fun! I forgot how much I love working! :) And the band that was playing (Hilltop Hoods) were pretty average as well. So that was really fun! Good pay too! :)

Life with my boyfriend has been nothing but beautiful as well! Everything is going really fine and I'm really glad things are looking like they might work out! :)

Big weekend coming up as well, Dad's birthday AND fathers day! So that should be okay.

Bring on the future!! :)

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