Monday, June 6, 2011

"I've hardly been outside my room in days because I don't feel that I deserve the sunshines rays."

At the moment I'm listening to "The special two - Missy Higgins".
This has been a complete fucking roller coaster of a week. It's been absolutely terrible because of, mainly school, but also, just life in general. Year 12 is getting worse. I'm starting to actually fail my SACs and it is getting so hard each morning to get out of bed and face another terrible day at school. It's just not worth it. Nothing is worth it!

The only upside of my week was probably the weekend. I did no homework, just went out with mates, drank some good alcohol, smoked and had a dance and chat with some mates that I will keep for life. I also had an amazing day out driving places with an old friend! She always knows how to put a smile on my face, even through the toughest of times.

As far as my relationship life is going. I just don't know, because I'm actually really enjoying being single, I could meet up with people in the city, have a bit of a fling, and live!
But I do miss the cuddles! I just don't know, life is full of fucking unanswerable questions!

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