Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Give me a reason to care, and I'll sing along forever".

At the moment I'm listening to "Sing along forever - The Bouncing Souls". It's funny how life goes. Just before I was talking to this guy who has moved house or got kicked out of his house (I'm not sure which one) and lived my himself, no income, no school, nothing. It's his 18th birthday tomorrow, but what shocked me the most is, how happy he actually is. The decision of him constantly Swapping houses around victoria and enjoying the freedom is amazing! People like him make me realize that, if he can do it, I can. I can make it.

In other news, I'm really not sure how things are going with someone else. I have the feeling like I'm really missing someone, even though they're not mine. I can't stop thinking about him, even though I don't want to think about him. I don't want to be in a relationship, but I also miss the flirting and the cutness. I also feel like, with this guy, I text him too much, and I really don't want him to think I'm some stalker or something
... So what I've done is not text him at all... Waiting for him to text me. Waiting. Waiting...

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