Thursday, February 16, 2012

"I'm so rushed off my feet, looking for Gordon Street. So much I need to say, I'm sorry that it's on her wedding day. Coz she's so right for me, her daddy disagrees. He's always hated me because I never got a J-O-B. Cause she's mine, and I'm glad I Crashed the Wedding."

At the moment I'm listening to "Crashed the Wedding - Busted".
I was a little down the past few days for no apparent reason once again, but it hasn't been that bad and I'm starting to pick back up again. I'm just so relieved that I start full-time university next week. I can't stand the late nights, the late mornings and the constant laziness. I really need structure in my life and I'm just glad that uni can provide that for me.

As far as job hunting is going, I still haven't had any call backs and am still desperately searching for jobs, however, I am financially stable at the moment and hopefully when uni starts I will be able to budget my money even better than now.

Even though smoking is a terrible habit, I still smoke. A lot. But recently I've been a little put off by them and I am really trying hard to cut back as much as I possibly can.

Eating habits are, sadly, getting worse. I have eaten a lot over the past week and feel really...sluggish. I guess that is the only word I can use to describe it. So, tonight I vomited a whole large serving of pasta and pretty much an entire burger and large chips. I'm not feeling proud about continuing to vomit to get somewhat skinnier, but in the short term (and maybe even the long term) it makes me feel a little bit better inside.

In other and more exciting news, tomorrow night I am doing my first ever 'all-nighter' in the city. I'll be going to clubs, pubs... and even  a female strip joint.... :/ But my options were either join the guys at the strip joint or catch a cab home by myself. So I might as well go to the strippers and see what all the fuss is about.

Insomnia is still terrible.

Even though people say there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes I feel like I'm just in the wrong tunnel and the light will never shine upon my face. Other times I feel like the light will blind me and I won't like it after being left alone in the dark for so long... But I guess I know in the VERY back of my mind that there IS a light and I will see it one day. I just hope that one day is soon because I'm sick of waiting for it. Instead of waiting for the light to come to me, I might as well start running towards it and hope I am travelling in the right direction.

Anyways, happy reading. (:

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