Thursday, March 21, 2013

"My addiction, my illness, my only trusted friend. My addiction, my illness, my only childhood fiend. Your twisted warm embrace engulfing all I tried to be. My body's breaking under arms that will not set me free. Bring out your dead!"

At the moment I'm listening to "Bring Out Your Dead - Strung Out".
It's been a while since my last post. Which is a little unusual for me. This last week and a bit hasn't been too eventful (which is why I haven't really posted).

Yesterday was a bit of a lovely day and night though. My boyfriend and I went to the 'Melbourne Queer Film Festival' which was really fantastic. First we went out for a lovely dinner in the city, and then went to see our movie called "Bear City 2: The Proposal". With a title like that I guess you would suspect that it would be a porn film. However, it wasn't. It was a really excellent. Practically like a gay bear version of Sex and the City. It was hilarious, and even the crowd that went to see it was hilarious. I've never seen so many bald, big, and hairy gay men and couples in the one cinema before. And it also felt like a really welcoming place for gay people to be, it's quite rare to see a gay couple holding hands or cuddling in a movie cinema. It was truly a really fun night (:

On a bit of a down note though, the situation involving my dad being an absolute price hasn't changed one bit, as suspected. I'm quite used to my dad treating me like shit, but I'm definitely not used to is mum doing the same.

This morning at 5:30am my mum and I were having a screaming match mainly because she doesn't like I help out around the house (petty shit to be arguing about, I know) when In fact I do. And she knows that I do! I personally think the only reason she decided to scream at me this morning is because she Is having a fight with dad, and as usual, taking out her anger on me.

It's really not fucking fair, and I am desperately waiting for that one wonderful day in my life when I have enough money to move out! I really don't like living at home, and I really want my own independence without having to deal with my fucking parents problems!!

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