Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"And there's nothing wrong with me, this is how I'm supposed to be. In a land of make believe, that don't believe in me."

At the moment I'm listening to "Jesus of Suburbia - Green Day".
The week that has just passed has been a pretty good one. A busy one, but a good one. On the weekend that passed I sold a lot of clothing and other items at a market near the beach. It was a fantastic day! Lots of fun, and made myself just over $1000 which I have put away in a separate bank account for my holiday fund.

My boyfriend and I have decided that it would be too hard to go on holiday this year, so we've begun to start saving for a nice big holiday we can both enjoy and afford for next year. I really can't wait, I'm just going to keep saving, and I'll make it happen!

It's been also good to just laze around at home for the last few days, I really needed a few days just to relax. However I'm also kind of forced to stay home for a few reasons. One of being that my back is playing up. I'm finding it really hard to sleep and find a comfortable position to lye down without my back absolutely aching, almost to the point of tears. It's really bad, and the only explanation I have for it is my weight being too heavy for my back. I have put a bit of this month, and I'm really not proud of it, but I'm coping with it a lot better than I usually do. I don't really care about it as much as I should though, I just know that I'm too happy to constantly worrying about how much food I put in my mouth... But I really should keep being conscious of my portions sizes. Another reason as to why I'm home is because I'm taking care of my mum and helping out a lot around the house. Mums really sick and the moment, (mostly in her "privates") but it's making things a little difficult around the house. I'm driving into hospital in 2 days for her to have an operation because the doctor claims that she has "abnormal tissue cells" or something like that..... There's a possibility it could be cancerous, but we just don't know yet until after the operation on Friday. I really hope it isn't, because seeing my mum go through having cancer again will be very hard for everyone to cope with.

On a brighter note, my boyfriend and I seem to be fixing a few things between us. We're getting a bit better and are finding ourselves to me a lot happier around each other and enjoying each others company a lot more. :) His parents came over for dinner last night to meet mine. I was extremely nervous at first, but overall it was such a lovely night. They're such amazing people, and they've made me feel very comfortable in there home. :)

Valentines day is coming up soon as well! I'm taking my boyfriend out for a very lovely dinner, and also buying him something very special and memorable as a combined present for our 6 months and Valentines day.

My first valentines day not being single, I honestly cannot wait.

Hope you're all well and lovely! (:

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