Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Drivers are rude, Such attitudes. But when I show my peace, Complaints cease. Something's odd, I feel like I'm god. You stupid, dumbshit, goddamn motherfucker!"

At the moment I'm listening to "Bad Habbit - The Offspring".
This song is hilarious! It's about having road rage and being overly agressive when drivers on the road are giving you the shits!

Had a, once again, good week! I've been feeling happy for about 2 weeks! Hope nothing changes! It looks like my Anti-Anxiety and Anti-Depressant pill increase has helped me a lot. This is FANTASTIC news!

I've been motivated to go to the gym, which is great for me! I haven't lost any weight yet, but I feel a bit better! I'm going quite often and plan to keep doing so. I still smoke though :( I really want to quit, but it's hard. However, I am planning to dramatically cut down my daily smoking soon because I have my music performace exam coming up and It helps my voice if i don't smoke.

This is me at my last performance a couple of night ago:
I love performing in front of an audience. I really love it. I can be whoever I want to be with a guitar in my hands and with a microphone catching my every breath.

To me, there is no better feeling in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

Only 39 more hours of school left, EVER! GET EXCITED!

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