Thursday, April 11, 2013

"Her breath began to speak as she stood right in front of me. The colour of her eyes were the colour of insanity. Crushed beneath her wave like a ship, I could not reach her shore. We're all just dancers on the Devil's Dance Floor."

At the moment I'm listening to "Devil's Dance Floor - Flogging Molly".
Wow, today is a pretty damn special day for this blog. Today's post marks the 2 year anniversary of this blogs first ever post!!! How exciting!! What's not too exciting, however, is the fact that I'm missing out on Uni today, and possibly tomorrow, due to being sick. I am currently rugged up in bed with a nice warm cup of tea! :)

I think I'm going to write this post practically the same as exactly how I wrote it this time last year. :)

So far, from the 11th of April last year, I have:
  • Started and completed my first year of University.
  • Enrolled and completed 2 semesters of a Sign Language (AUSLAN) class.
  • Had a lot of sex.
  • Got really drunk.
  • Enjoyed myself.
  • Gained some awesome new mates.
  • Lost some old friends.
  • Moved house.
  • Dealt with the issues of my parents.
  • Got a tattoo.
  • Got an amazing Job.
  • Got promoted in said Job!
  • Fell in love.
  • Still in love.
  • Entered a committed relationship (almost 8 months now).
  • Celebrated Christmas, Easter, and Birthday's with my partner and his family.
  • Lost weight.
  • Gained weight.
  • Hated the sight of myself.
  • Thought about committing suicide.
  • Didn't attempt to commit suicide.
  • Gotten better.
  • Had my fair share of shit days.
  • Had my fair share of great and amazing days!!!
The main bands that got me from April 11th last year until now:
  • Alkaline Trio
  • A Day to Remember
  • Panic! At the Disco
  • Rise Against
Quote of the year from April 2012 to April 2013:
  • "Without music, life would be a mistake".
Pickup line of the year from April 2012 to April 2013:
  • "Baby, I wish I was your derivative so I can lie tangent to your curves!"
Movies I've enjoyed from April 2012 to April 2013:
  • Pitch Perfect
  • Saw 7
  • The Dark Knight Rises
  • Skyfall
  • The Faculty
  • Harry Potter (1-7)
Lyrics of the year from April 2012 to April 2013:
  • "Haven't you heard that I'm the new cancer? Never looked better, and you can't stand it!"
  • "And it feels like heaven's so far away!"
  • "I'm always screaming my lungs out till my head starts spinning. Playing my songs is the way I cope with life. Won't keep my voice down. Know the words I speak are the thoughts I think out loud."
  • "Believe in what I am, because it's all that I have today."
Overall, from April 2012 to April 2013, it has been pretty great! Creating my blog 2 years ago was the best thing I have probably ever done. It gives me so much satisfaction to read over my previous posts and see how much I have actually changed as a person.

Hope you're all well! :) Love you all!

- Jordan.

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