Friday, October 26, 2012

"Wait for me to move out's ok if you don't. I hope you know you're my favourite thing about the west coast. I wish I stayed, I hope you wait. So here I am counting down the days till California comes."

At the moment I'm listening to "Playing Favourites - The Starting Line".

It's been a while since my last post... Boyfriend is still amazing. We hit the 2 month mark a couple of days ago... Which is amazing! It's the longest relationship I've been in. So, I'm pretty happy about that! (:
Friends are amazing! Now that I've finished most of my major assignments I have a lot more free time to hang out with them! (:
Uni is going really smoothly! Today is my last uni day for the year!!! I can't believe I've been at uni for a year! It's pretty incredible to think that the end of year 12 was only a year ago... Wow!
And Work is pretty swell! Working tonight after uni!

Tomorrow will be really fun too! I'm having a little get-together at my place to celebrate Halloween, House Warming, and the end of Uni! Which is rad! It's a bit of a shame though that people keep cancelling... Even the people I want there the most. Specifically because they will have the chance of meeting my boyfriend (:
So I've got that to look forward to after my busy day today! (:

In other news, the woman sitting across from me on the train is a rather big woman... Wearing pink tights... Who am I to judge? But the fact that this lady (who has to be at least 50 years old) looks like a ripe strawberry is making me hungry.

Hope you're well! And HAPPY HALLOWEEN! ;)

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