Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Their anger hurts my ears, been running strong for seven years. Rather than fix the problems, they never solve them, It makes no sense at all. I see them everyday, we get along, so why can't they? If this is what he wants and this is what she wants, then why is there so much pain?"

At the moment I'm listening to "Stay Together for the Kids - Blink 182".
Quite a relevent song after the news I heard tonight. Okay, so, my parents have officially made it that they're getting together, and not only are they getting back together, but we are all going to move house and live together.

I'm feeling a bit blank at the moment, like, I don't really feel anything...

I'm feeling a bit happy for mum, but I also don't want to see her hurt ever again. And one reason why we have to move house is so that they can combine their incomes and we won't have to struggle anymore. Apparently, mum and I will have had to move out soon anyways because we won't be able to afford this house for much longer. I'm VERY sick of moving houses, I think 19 times is enough for me. This move will be the 20th time of moving, and I am honestly tired and don't have the emotional energy to do it.... but I guess I'll have to. I really don't know how to feel at the moment...

Appart from this, I don't really have anything else to report.

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