Monday, June 18, 2012

"But I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you. They try to pullme away, but they don't know the truth. My heart's crippled by the veinthat I keep on closing. You cut me open and I keep bleeding."

At the moment I'm listening to "Bleeding Love (Cover) - Boyce Avenue".
So, I'm finally free! All my exams are now over and all the money I have been saving for my car insurance and registration has been payed off! I can finally start enjoying my holidays, I'm super excited!!

I'm really excited to start hitting the gym hard one again, and also just to relax and get my life in order!
I'm currently extremely buggered after a long weekend up at my dads place pulling apart his shed with my bare hands, every muscle in my body aches.. :/ Mum also kind of hinted that they might be getting back together...and that we might be moving house.... Maybe even with him... All of us together?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!? I don't really need all of this bullshit right now in my life, so it's in the process of being permanently ignored.
In more brighter news, I've joined a proper dating site recently to try and meet people.... I figured that my mate and I are probably never going to work out because he doesn't have feelings for I might as well start living my life despite the fact that I have extremely strong feelings for him... Oh well. Meeeeeh!
I've also started knitting as a hobby. Lame, I know. So far I've just knitted this .... Round(ish) thing (Photo below).... No idea what it's meant to be... Perhaps a beard warmer?

Anyways, hope you're well. :D

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