Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Lighting fireworks in parking lots, illuminate the blackest nights. Cherry cokes under this moonlit summer sky."

At the moment I'm listening to "In this Diary - The Ataris".

I am feeling something inside of me that hasn't been felt in a long long time. This feeling is quite a warm and fuzzy feeling, but I'm also consciously aware of this feeling and trying my hardest not to get carried away with it.... But I am LOVING IT! This feeling goes by many names, some call it 'A mixture between pain and pleasure', others call it 'a soul’s recognition of its counterpoint in another'. I'm scared to say so, because I'm trying to be cautious, but i like to call this feeling "Love".

On Monday I believe i just had the best day of my life. It consisted of holding hands, kissing and talking. All the things I ever wanted. Nothing more, nothing less.

Loving life. <3

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